
The School Leadership Team - SLT

The School Leadership Team is responsible for setting the educational direction of the school. The Team is comprised of seven teachers and administrators (elected by the staff) and seven parents (elected by the parents). All School Leadership Teams are charged with developing a Comprehensive Educational Plan and a budget for the school.

Parents' membership on the School Leadership Team helps ensure that the parent voice is represented in important decisions that affect teaching and learning in our school. The Team provides an excellent opportunity for committed parents to make a valuable contribution to our school. Participation requires time, dedication, creativity and hard work. In addition to the School Leadership Team mandate, our Team has also chosen to work on issues such as school management, consolidating campuses, admissions, student diversity, homework and lateness.

The School Leadership Team meets twice a month. Meeting dates and times are posted on the website calendar. The meetings are open to all members of the school community.

Elections take place in late spring and parents and staff are encouraged to nominate themselves for two-year terms. Please contact this year's team members if you would like the School Leadership Team to address an issue of particular concern.

Ira Yankwitt - Facilitator
Valerie Price Ervin
Felicia Eve
Julia Hurn
Marcia Lerner
James Lola
Linda Reardon
Carey Johnson

Artie Mattia - Principal
Mary Beth Crosby Carrol
Edy Ledee
Amy Mercurio
Steve Quester
Ina Pannell-St. Surin
Joe Sultana