
SLT Minutes 9/23/08

School Leadership Team
Meeting Minutes
Date: September 23, 2008

I. Call to Order:

II. Attendance:

The following SLT members attended:

Edy Ledee Family Worker
Marcia Lerner Parent
Ira Yankwitt, Parent
Mary Beth Carroll, Teacher
Cathy Sarno, Assistant Principal
Steve Quester, UFT Chapter leader
Amy Mercurio, Teacher
Felicia Eve PTA President
Ina Pannell-St.Surin, Teacher
Valerie Price Ervin Parent
Arthur Mattia Principal
Joe Sultana Teacher
Linda Reardon Parent
Carey Johnson Parent

Subcommittee Reports/Updates
1) Principal's Update-
-K-8 Expansion-
*An application was put in regarding expansion. By October 14th, Mr. Artie will know if the application has been accepted. This is the first stage of expansion.
*Steve mentioned that historically this is our second reconfiguration of this school, as it was originally a K-3 school.
*Ira suggested coming up with some talking points for parents regarding expansion at class parent meetings.
*Also, since space is an issue, it was suggested that we possibly explore other resources for space.
* Mr. Artie mentioned that we can explore other sources and try to identify space on our own(ie, parent resources, organization, etc.)

*This item will be the topic of a future SLT meeting. As per Cathy, we are waiting for instructions from D. 75.

-Southwest Enrollment Demographics
*Iris put together a chart identifying the demographics on students in Pre-K and K as a result of the lottery from each zone. It was noted that the decline rate from the North East and South West was the same, however, the number of applicants from each zone was different. This issue needs more clarification. It appears that we did achieve applicants, but they declined.

-Other Issues
Friday, September 26, 2008- Community Sing to only support Childhood Cancer Awareness. Please note it is not a memorial service.
This will take place in the morning so if any issues/concerns arise during the day, they can be addressed by staff.
Parents will be informed via a letter.

2. Other Updates
-Haitian Relief Efforts
*Steve shared a letter from the City Council, which provided information about needed donations and drop off locations. This information will be forwarded to our school community.
*Valerie mentioned that there is a fundraiser on 09/27 at 7th Avenue and 6th Street for Haitian relief efforts.
* Ina suggested forming one letter with reliable drop off points and will forward that information to Roxanna.
Steve mentioned that the UFT supports Obama. UFT buses will transport UFT members to Philedelphia. The Obama campaign may have resources to transport non union members there also.
*This is not an endorsement from PS372.
There is a Girl Scout troop that is involved with this also.
Valerie updated the SLT on the following:
-There is a new school proposal for a K-8 program at Butler Street and 4th Avenue, which will add on to the existing school. It will possibly be a lottery school. This is due to overcrowding.
-Regarding letter grades for schools, this information is available online and you can view how your school did.
-Share Fair- On Saturday, October 18, 2008, (location to be determined),
There will be a Share Fair to share ideas, and learn about the SLT, writing grants, generating money, etc.
*Valerie stated that the Undoing Racism workshop was exceptional and she is thankful for the opportunity to attend.
Creation of Agenda for Next Meeting:
Ira suggested readjusting time allocations of agenda items for the next meeting.
In addition at the next SLT meeting we will discuss the development of sub committees and scheduling changes.
Next SLT meeting 10/07 and 10/21


Minutes submitted by Amy Mercurio